finance whisperer

Meredith moore

Meredith Moore’s passion lies in empowering women to achieve their goals by demystifying money management matters.

Meredith’s professional acumen, curiosity and passion for advancing women’s issues launched a multi-year research initiative into relationship power dynamics as it pertains to money, earning power, and perceived gender roles.

She is the founder and CEO of financial planning and management firm Artisan Financial Strategies. Well-respected in the financial services sector, she is frequently invited to speak on women and personal finance, and the power dynamics of money in interpersonal relationships. Meredith has presented at the Wall Street Journal’s Women in the Workplace event, numerous corporations nationwide as well as the Georgia Institute of Technology’s Scheller College of Business.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology.

"Work hasn't changed. Workplaces still act like everyone has a wife at home"

— Veronica Tichenor, sociology scholar